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with integrated marketing communications ​services, tailored to meet your needs.

Top-rated marketing and business development professional

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For over a decade, we've offered integrated ​marketing solutions to diverse industries.

Transforming businesses with tailored marketing solutions!

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Service Packages:

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Social Media

Post design, Copywriting & Account management

  • Graphic design - N30K ~ per design
  • Monthly SM management - N200K four (4) accounts + FREE caption copywriting.
  • FREE monthly SM analytics.

* “SM” = Social Media

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Document Design

Brochure/ Proposals/ Pitch-Deck

  • Copywriting - N100k ~ 200 words.
  • Document design - N30K ~ per page.
  • Newsletter content - N30K ~ design/copy
  • Press release - N100K~per 200 words.
  • Website copywriting - N100K ~100 words.
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Media Services

PR & media management

TV, radio and print media management. This includes advert space bookings, interviews and facilitating press conferences.

**We charge a success fee of 15% of the media budget.

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Planning & management

Webinar/ virtual event planning and promotion. In-person event planning and promotion. List building for upcoming events for sponsorship and partnerships; including the identification and negotiation of speaking opportunities.

Fees: N50k per hour ~ Max 5 hours per week

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What our clients say about us

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Their experience providing business development and marketing support in professional services firms, especially in legal services is unmatched..."

- Managing Partner, at a Commercial Law firm in Nigeria.

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Apart from marketing services, Nubianette provided my start-up with a Business Development advisory which proved to be most valuable.

- Anonymous

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"Ali and his team are responsive and understand what a business needs to do... for more visibility."

- Legal Technology Founder.

Your dedicated marketing & PR expert

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As a consultant, he works with teams in small to medium-sized organisations, where he has led projects that involve exploring growth opportunities and maintaining brand equity. He is also hands-on with the creation of pitch presentations, proposals and RFPs for clients. In recent years has offered services to Early-stage and Series-A start-ups in the development of pitch proposals, workflow documents and much more.

Ali is a Business Development professional, with a track record of working with notable firms in Nigeria and internationally. He lends his decade-long experience steering successful teams and facilitating collaborations across industries. He is skilled in Marketing Communications, Business Development and Business Process improvement at a variety of companies and industries with proven track records of success over the years. He has significant practical working experience and is always willing to mentor others.

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Ali Afegbua

Affiliate Rep:

Contact us to get a quote on any of our services.

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